Help celebrate four years of unbridled angst with the grassroots phenomenon that is
Yes, this September, the longest running stage show of its kind turns
four years old! Crazy, eh? Just think, in just a few more years, it will start sprouting hair in funny places and be able to attend its very own events. So what are you waiting for? Buy your
tickets. Tell your friends!

As a special birthday bonus treat to our devoted fans... all
Mortified shows nationwide in September will giving away cool b-day gifts. How's it work? Simple! If you happen to hear
your actual birthday mentioned as a date in one of the journal entries being read during our show, flash us your ID afterwards and we’ll hook you up with some cool
Mortified merch or other retro prizes.
It's our way of thanking you for
four amazing years of unprecedented success and totally bitchin' support.
In angst we trust.