Big thanks to the one and only
Judy Blume for making a Mortified milestone.
As many of you know, we've long listed Ms. Blume as the "official patron saint of Mortified". In part, this is because of the influential and progressive work she's done in the world of young

adult lit. But it is also because her presence (references to her name or work) looms over
many of the old journals, notebooks, and letters submitted by Mortified's contributors raised in the 70s, 80s and even 90s.
So naturally, it was huge thrill to discover the reverse-- that Judy Blume actually
wrote about us in her journal. We can think of no more fitting or surreal honor. What began as a simple bit of fanmail many years ago... has grown into a pretty damn unique and surprising friendship. So reading her entry meant a lot.
And yes, we've been pretty much spazzing out like preteen girls in a Judy Blume novel ever since.
By the way, she has a new
children's book out, and we highly suggest buying it for someone much shorter than you.